August 2023 News

Happy August. 

Last month I told ya I hoped to transform a Word document into a digital book, and a physical book. I'm happy to report IT IS DONE!


V&V launches in thee days. 

look at that beaut

ARC readers will be called!

Promotions will be launched! (you've probably already seen one)

Copies will be shipped to the elite! 

I will demand that you buy it or I'll unfriend you in real life with violence. (that just means I'll smash that unfriend button really hard)

I pulled a bicep taking this pic

I am tinkering on physical copies still. Three exist the world at this moment in the form of author proofs (imperfect / in progress). But the wizard Shawn T King is nearly finished fashioning the final cover design and it's AWESOME.

Anyway, here's a link to the ebook and physical book - VIOLENCE & VIGILANCE on Amazon



We had a record July, but it was close! 

I've learned small business owning can be chronicled by manic ups and depressive lows. For the first eight days of July there were no rentals. I began to think someone had sabotaged us somehow, or that the booking software was broken. (I also appreciated the days off because summer time is wide open and pulling kayaks in 100 Fahrenheit puts your resolve and sweat banks to the test).

Then the bookings and phone calls started popping off. We did 21 rentals and deliveries between the 9th and yesterday. I think I've had one day off since then. That is not a complaint. 

the water would have been a perfect mirror
if not for that meddling frog

If you like pictures of nature, particularly where a lake is concerned, follow our social media - Facebook, Instagram. No promo garbage. Just pictures of the lake. One of the biggest perks of the job is seeing and photographing Lake Hartwell. 


We're entering our third month down here at Dick Brussell State Park. It's very unpredictable whether it will be busy or slow. But it is a fun gig and affords the fam and I a chance to explore the lake.


so hard to photograph nicely

I'd mentioned that I added some life to the glass prison aka Kingdom of Zeal. Interesting things have happened.

He ate everything. I don't miss him.

The goldfish one day just ceased to exist. 

this is a shame. These guys were hilarious to watch

One of the two African dwarf frogs has disappeared. 

RIP Meanow

One of the four minnows (the original inhabitants, since Oct '22) fell apart. His name was Meanow. My 4-yr old named him, but it fit. He was a mean minnow. He'd harass Bertha endlessly. He'd oppress Timmy, the smaller of the two males, always chasing him back into hiding. Then one day I found Meanow in two pieces. 

Timmy could not be happier that Meanow is gone

The only inhabitant capable of the above mischief is Hans, the crawdad, who I haven't seen in months. I always hope he's doing well, hidden in the tunnels he burrows under the rocks. The fact that bodies are disappearing suggests he's doing, and eating, just fine. I'm not going to reach in and shuffle rocks to get a look at him. One day I'll catch him slipping though and I'll get a more recent picture of him.

Next month

Mayhaps the majority of V&V promotions will have blown out. I don't know. Mayhaps I'll be doing interviews and events. If all goes as planned, I'll be signing books at DragonCon. Now there's a pipe dream. 

see you then



September 2023 News


An interview with Kraus the Thirsty Bandit, from V&V