June 2024 News

You won’t believe this (because of how smart you are) but I always aspire to keep these brief. This month I’m going to do it.


I’m so happy to catch wind of people who enjoyed book 1 and are excited for book 2. Nothing motivates me greater than demand. I know that’s not the case for everyone. Some writers will turn feral against their fans for expressing interest. I don’t understand why. Tell me why, Pat Rothfuss. Why would someone hate their fans for being fans?
Totally kidding. I don’t know anything about Pat other than that he’s got a GBBB.

As of writing this I’m 41,000 words into draft one of The Heathen Tide. In this process the “all notes” document has slimmed down from 30k to about 15k.

David, 41,000 is a far cry from the word count of V&V - 285,000.

Yes it is. I can’t focus on that. That’s a concern for later in the game, if ever. What’s important at the moment is that each scene advances at least two of the following while dropping emotional bombs and hilarity: character dev/arc, world building, or story progress. 
There are a lot of loose ends to tie up and I need to do it in a way that is epic, surprising, and satisfactory.


June is the first of three hell months for Lake Hartwell Kayak Rental and Delivery. In the past we’ve done about 80% of the year’s business in the next three months. I’m working some ideas to beef up the slower months, but that doesn’t change that I’ll be busting my arse and sweating all summer.

We’ve begun doing tours, as I mentioned last month. I’d call it a slow start but that sounds less than ideal and I have strict guidelines on maintaining unshaking optimism at all times. Therefore, tours are doing AMAZING. In fact there’s one scheduled for Sunday (tomorrow) to a place called Indian Rock. Check it out, and if you’re local come join us!


Something Once Sacred had a show at the Boathouse in Hartwell last night. I never see pics from the shows but I never go hunting for them either, so I guess that’s on me. Twas a crazy night but no fights, no cops, no deaths, so we’ve seen crazier.
Anyway here’s one someone sent me from last night.

Something Once Sacred
Brandon Duncan - guitar and vocals
Rusty Adams - drums and vocals
me - bass and splits.

Next month


see you then



July 2024 News


May 2024 News