August 2024 News

Hello and welcome, future me.


Here’s what’s up:

The most pertinent news I have is that V&V is going to Dragon Con. If you’re going, let me know so we can meet up!

The tentative plan is to join forces with Morgan Shank, who also writes gritty fantasy such as his latest - Die Young, and improvise a mobile signing booth.

A mobile signing booth sounds wacky, Dave. Are you sure that’s a thing?

Yes, because I’ve done it before ten years ago. Only this time I’ll be collaborating with another author and bringing better ideas and a better book.

ASH at Dragon Con, 2014

Watch my socials (all at the bottom of this page) for details as the end of month approaches.


Busy month, but not as busy as last year. That irks me. Maybe it shouldn’t. In fairness, it was ridiculously hot and the lake is a couple feet lower than this time in the previous two years.

I won’t bother you with a pile of pictures that are already online (on our FB or IG) but here’s a couple from behind the scenes. My neighbor worked construction. He’s retired but clearly misses it because he’s helping me build a big kayak rack.

time to get our babies off the ground


August, September, and October are still popping off for kayaks, since it doesn’t actually get cold in Georgia until as late as January. But I look forward to proceeding with kayak tours this fall.


Shadow of the Erdtree. Believe it or not, my reviewing skills haven’t improved so unfortunately I can only report that Elden Ring’s DLC is surprisingly expansive in every aspect and exactly as fun and mesmerizing as the original game.

Next Month

The kids are back at school. I miss them already but writing will pick up and I look forward to reporting solid progress on Turesia Untamed book 2.

See you then



September 2024 News


July 2024 News