September 2024 News

Monday’s the last day to get the US V&V Ebook for only $1.99!

Late summer heat feels hotter than midsummer heat. I don’t know why. The sun’s glare is sharper when contrasted with a cool morning.
Let’s get into it shall we?

Lake Hartwell Kayak

We’ll knock this out real quick because I know you’re not here for this.
This is the fourth August for LHKRAD, and it’s our best August by almost $1k. If it wasn’t obvious, we love hitting new records.

Hit us up if you’re in the area of Lake Hartwell. Book in advance because there’s no predicting what weekends fill up with rentals.


August has been great for writing. Kids being back at school (God love ‘em) does wonders for productivity. I’ll spare further details on that. Just know that progress is perpetual for V&V book 2 and happy I am.

Dragon Con

I am still buzzing from Dragon Con. It’s ongoing but my time there was limited to Fri-Sat. I couldn’t have predicted meeting everyone I met and being so welcomed. I don’t have a ton of pictures but I’ll share what I have.

I met some fellow entrepreneurs while eating noodles. Polaris (for whom I signed and gifted a book) and ... by god I forgot his name again! Maurice? That's probably wrong. [[EDIT: It's Marcel! He's a videographer and I follow him on IG now! He's MarcelTheMaker]] Honestly I might have gotten them both wrong. Anyway I bombarded them with prattle and they graciously tolerated me.

Terri, who purchased a book from me. She's lived everywhere from New York to Chicargo to North Carolina.
Joe Berne (JCM Berne) - who is even more welcoming than he is hospitable. He's the author of the Hybrid Helix series, which starts with Wistful Ascending.
Sebastian De Castell - who was positioned in such a way that the lighting gave his already-entertaining stories even more gravitas. He is the king of swashbuckling fiction (NOT self-proclaimed, mind you. John Gwynne said it) and the author of the Greatcoats series, which starts with Traitor's Blade.
Andy Peloquin - who has impeccable presence, contagious enthusiasm, and is the size of 1.2 regular humans. He's written a buttload of books but the one he sold me was Darkblade Assassin.

More Joe Berne - who is a bit of a Dyrk Ashton in that he knows freakin everyone.
Michael Webb - who wrote the Shadow Knights series, starting with The Last Shadow Knight.
K.E. Andrews - who wrote Hills of Heather and Bone. Judging by her face, she caught me sneaking this picture. I sorry.

J. Zachary Pike - who kept following me around DragonCon like a lost puppy! It was weird! Also his initial is in the wrong place, it's supposed to be in the middle!
But seriously he wrote the The Dark Profit Saga. It opens with the book he's holding - Orconomics - which is clever as hell and absolutely hilarious. And despite that in reality it was I stalking him, I totally failed to notice his awesome shirt.

Ganesh SE - of many places and things but particularly FanFiAddict (check his profile out!) and dressed here as .. um  .. Naruto! (I'm a Naruto-ignoramus I'm sorry!)
I posted an invitation online to approach me and say a phrase from my book to win free stuffs. He not only took me up on it, but chose the wildest of the three phrases (I won't repeat it here) and so I gifted him profusely. 

Last but far from least,
Morgan Shank - who was my con-mate, lacking a better word. Inviting and accommodating and wise beyond his years. Morgan is a stand up guy. Most recently he wrote Die Young, book 1 of the Runeborn Trilogy. But the books of his Andy Peloquin wouldn't stop gushing about are his Low Country series which starts with (believe it or not) A Low Country
Jonathan Koan - a book enthusiast and reviewer who reads faster than any human should. He has a YouTube channel - Jonathan Koan - to which he uploads quality content constantly.

This only scratches the surface of all the people I met. Not pictured include (but aren't limited to)
Ryan Cahill - who is the tallest Irish person I've ever met. He was nice and approachable and I surely stuffed my foot in my mouth in an attempt to resemble a normal human in his presence. He's a greatly successful independently published author and a role-model where work ethic is concerned.
Jackson Dickert - the hilarious and friendly host of the award-winning YouTube show Between two Perns. I told him I loved his Brandon Sanderson interview (watch it!) and he helpfully informed me he has other videos as well. 
Even More People - that I had long and meaningful talks with and failed utterly to remember their names. If we met at Dragon Con and you somehow see this, follow me on Twitter or FB or IG so I can follow you back.

Next Month

Unless I die I'll report more words written!

See you then



August 2024 News